e355. The Great Social Media Sunset: Where Do We Go From Here?

So if you live on planet Earth, even if you’re not an American, you likely know that Donald Trump returned to the US presidency last week. And along with him, there was also this weird thing where TikTok was blocked in America but then returned 12 hours later with a strange message thanking Trump, even…

e67. Social Justice Knitting

Back on June 23rd, a popular social network took a bold stance for 2019. It decided to pronounce all support of Donald Trump or his #MAGA campaign as hate speech and white supremacy and for the most part ban it from its network. Oddly enough the network that took this stance wasn’t Facebook or Twitter.…

Call for Comments: unRavelrying Social Justice Networks

Ravelry.com From Katya: So this one is off the beaten path for the podcast but very much in my wheelhouse. Regular listeners have heard me plug my instagram feed with the caveat that it’s mainly sewing and knitting-centric. One of the biggest parts of the online knitting world is a website called Ravelry. Ravelry is a…