e181. Entertainment and Other Unions — IATSE Solidarity

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Over the past year, our viewing consumption habits have changed a lot. We spent months indoors streaming everything — including new release films — largely through new media platforms like Netflix and Disney Plus. These new production models have drastically changed box office results, profit models, and production budgets that reverberate across the industry — affecting every member of film crews so profoundly that the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE) is voting this week to potentially authorize the first industry-wide strike in the history of cinema. For this week’s episode Monica, Hannah and Katya are joined by labor historian Sean O’Brien and LA-based costume designer Elissa Alcala to discuss the terms and implications of the potential IATSE strike, the often invisible labor behind film and television production, and the ways this potential union strike points at a nationwide problem across labor markets across all industries. Join us, listen, and let us know what you think in the comments.

Also, your homework this week: email a creator you respect and say thank you!

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6 Comments and 12 Webmentions for “e181. Entertainment and Other Unions — IATSE Solidarity”

  1. This is fascinating. Since undergrad days I’ve been interested in the technical and craft side of theatre and film and I carried this into my professional work as an anthropologist of craft and media – in India. It’s really hard even to get colleagues to understand the labour, particularly craft labour, in film. But I’d rather talk to a film carpenter, painter, moulder or tapist (folks who do anything to do with textiles on set) than with an actor or director. But I think I’m rare. Is it because the labour disappears into the film – the work is so immersive you aren’t supposed to notice the work?

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