e249. The Media Guilt Pile

You know that book everyone tells you is great and you’ve been meaning to read it for literally years and haven’t gotten to it? What about that game that all your friends are playing and you want to as well, but you haven’t had the time to sit down and learn it so it’s just sitting on your shelf still in the shrink wrap. And then, there’s that’s that movie that everyone loved three weeks ago but you were busy, so you never went and now no one is talking about it so what’s the point? And of course, there’s that TV show you watched the first episode of, and loved, and then… just sort of forgot about… and that was 3 months ago, so now you have the whole season saved on your DVR or in your Disney+ queue and when are you ever going to get around to that? We call all of those things the media guilt pile. And you should totally get on that. Yeah. Us to!

On this week’s episode, Hannah and Mav welcome returning guest Joe Darowski of the Protagonist Podcast to talk about the media guilt pile. What are all the media that you’ve been meaning to consume forever and just haven’t gotten to? Why does that happen and why do we feel so bad about it? Listen and let us know what’s in your media guilt pile in the comments.

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