e268. Fasterer and Furiouserer

Two years ago, when Monica first joined the show, we celebrated the release of the ninth Fast & Furious movie by devoting a whole episode to discussing the the cultural appeal of the Fast franchise and explaining how it made an important cultural statement about the breakdown of the distinction of high and low culture. At least, we think that’s what we talked about on that episode. The honest truth is that we intentionally didn’t go backwards and listen to that episode yet. Instead, we went and saw Fast X and assembled a whole new panel to critique this new film and the entire franchise in a different light. So, on today’s episode, Mav and Monica are joined by longtime F&F fan Anna Remus and Lindsay Mahowald (who have never seen a single entry before last week) to discuss the appeal of the franchise and its inherent queer transgressiveness and so much more. Listen and let us know what you think.

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