CFC: How Do You Holiday Shop?

From Mav: As we reach the Christmas (Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, etc) season and devolve into our annual socially mandated display of affection through conspicuous consumption, we started having this little conversation amongst the cohosts about gift giving. Not for each other… just in general. How do you shop? Are you trying to be as capitalist as possible? Are you trying to be as uncapitalist as possible? Are you looking to get things for people locally? Are you leaning heavy into Amazon? Do you try to get something that fits the person the gift is for or is it more an expression of you as the gift giver? Also, what are some good presents that we should be aware of if we want to give people cool things this year?

Basically, what we want to know is… what is your process? What are your thoughts? Let us know in the comments!

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