e361. Carving Pop Culture Mount Rushmore (Simulcast w/ the Protagonist Podcast)

You know how sometimes people say someone belongs on “the Mount Rushmore of music” or “the Mount Rushmore of comics” or “the Mount Rushmore of sports” or whatever? Maybe they mean that these are the people who will do a bunch of atrocities and yet get mythologized to the point that the country decides to steal some indigenous people’s sacred land and deface it with a uncanny valley like carvings, but usually they’re probably just talking about some very influential people in whatever that field is. But, what if you didn’t want to stick to just do one specific genre or field of pop culture? What if you were trying to decide the Mt. Rushmore of ALL of pop culture.

On this week’s very special episode, Mav and Wayne are joined by Andrew and Joe Darowski for a special podcast crossover between shows. We’re going to do a round robin draft to discuss the most notable or pertinent and important figures in contemporary American popular culture and why they should be on top of such a mountain. Or something like that… the rules are a little loose because we didn’t talk about it ahead of time. BUT it’s an interesting ride and you should listen and then let us know what your version would be in the comments below.

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