e364. From the Theatre to the Stream: The Future of Indie Films

How often do you go to the movie? Not just watch a movie on TV or a computer. How often do you actually go out to the cinema to see a film? Ok, now when you go, do you usually go to the latest blockbuster or do you go to indie films? Does it still…

e136. Describing 14 Films We Haven’t Seen

In a world where four podcasters are exhausted from the never ended horrific news cycle of politics, racial tensions, pestilence and death that has been the year 2020, these weary souls decide to take one week away from serious pseudo academic pop culture analysis with drinking and swearing and do… goofy pseudo academic pop culture…

e90. 30 Good Things You Missed!!! 2019 Year in Review

Happy New Year! It’s the end of 2019, and that means it’s time for all good podcasts to do a year in review episode. The thing about a show focused on pop culture like ours is that we have already devoted episodes to all of the biggest pop culture events of the year. We know…