Call For Comments: Listening for Leitmotif

From Mav: I could swear we’ve done more soundtrack episodes. Like… I really thought we had. We’ve got one generally about what makes for a fun soundtrack from the beginning of the pandemic, but that was more about needle drops. We’ve talked about musicals and the about how music affects specific films like Josie and…

Call For Comments: Why Do We Suddenly Love Musicals?

From Wayne: I used to think I didn’t like Musicals. There were a few, I guess. I saw Cabaret on TV when I was young (a heavily edited version of it, I’m sure), and had fond memories of some of the songs and imagery. There were others I saw in this context. I remember the…

e109. Scores & Soundtracks

What makes a good soundtrack to a movie? What makes a good score? And actually, what is the difference between a score and a soundtrack anyway? The answer to that question may not be as clear as you think. Sometimes a great soundtrack is one that you find yourself singing for weeks after you see…