Call For Comments: 2021 Box Office Game

From Mav: Well, this ought to be weird. It’s the end of the year, so it’s once again time for us to do our movie picks for the annual fantasy box office episode. If you’re new to our show, every year we play a game where we earn points by how well movies do at the US domestic box office. And this year’s results have been… interesting… for obvious reasons. And given that we’re still in the middle of a pandemic, next year’s probably are going to be too. But is that going to stop us? No!

The rules are quite simple, all four hosts of the show are going to have a round robin fantasy draft where we each pick 15 movies that are set to premiere in 2021. Just like in fantasy football, no two people can have the same movie. The goal is to amass the highest US domestic box office total by the end of the year. BUT, there’s a couple caveats. You don’t get the entire domestic box office for the film. You only get the money that it amassed DURING 2020. This means, Matrix 4(scheduled Dec 22nd) only has 9 days to amass it’s entire total, but Shadow in the Cloud(Jan 1st) has the entire year…. or at least as long as it can manage to stay in a theater of some kind or another. Except of course, this year there’s the added wrinkle that, will January movies even come out in theaters? Will March movies? Who knows?!?!? That’s the fun of the game. Furthermore, whatever the box office total is gets modified by the Metacritic score. So a movie that makes $100M but only has a 50% is worth $50M and if a movie makes a billion dollars, but critically bombs and gets one of the rare 0% ratings, it’s worth nothing! 

I love this game and can’t wait! But it’s going to be… very weird this year.

So, before we draft, give us your thoughts. What movies do you think are the best to pick next year, keeping in mind that some things might just never come out. Some things may release direct to streaming. Somethings could be delayed because they’re not finished. It should be an interesting year.

Oh, and which of us do you think will win?

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