e358. Monster Crushes: Infatuation with the Unknown

Happy Valentines Day! Yes, we know we’re a few days late, but the show comes out on Mondays, and this was the closest chance we got, so what do you want from us. Anyway, this Valentines Day we want to return to one of our most frequent weird topics, Monster Sex! Well… or perhaps more…

e269. Wide World of Disney Reboots

Last weekend Disney released their most recent in an ever expanding series of live action reboots of animated classics. This time they chose the Little Mermaid, and it seems to be gaining a pretty good measure of success. However that’s not always the case, in fact some of them have been panned pretty hard critically…

e44. Young Monsters In Love

Happy Valentines Day! We thought we’d celebrate by exploring the most romantic of all pop culture genres… no… not RomComs… Monsters of course! Today, Wayne, Hannah and Mav are joined by a returning Michael Chemers and Heather Duda, our resident monster experts to talk about the romance, love and sexuality that is implicit in the…

Call for Comments: Monster Love

From Hannah: When we came to the end of recording our second monster episode on Halloween, I jokingly claimed that the 1999 version of The Mummy was the “greatest love story of all time,” to which our guest Michael Chemers declared, “All monster stories are love stories.” And we named (and have since named) a ton of examples…

Call for Comments: Monsters and Monster Hunters

From Mav: Now this is going to be a very fun show. It’s time to talk about monsters! Obviously VoxPopcast is a geeky show. A lot of what we deal with is based on comic or video games or science fiction or fantasy. While these things are all very different, they have a common ancestor…