e232. Paige v. Ariana: The Right to be Sexy on the Internet

A couple weeks ago, a story broke about a young woman named Paige Niemann turning 18 years old and starting an OnlyFans account. By all rights this shouldn’t be notable to our show at all. Sometimes models have OnlyFans accounts. However, Paige is notable because she has made a name for herself the last few…

e101. Not the Next Big Thing

So first some notes… we’re in a weird place. As we recorded this episode, we were on the cusp of much of America (where all of our hosts are located) just beginning to prepare (too late frankly) for the COVID-19 Coronavirus pandemic. Now, as we post this 4 days later, we are deep into it.…

Call for Comments: The Next Big Thing™… that wasn’t…

From Mav: Well, this is just a silly idea for a show and I’m not even sure where to go with it. But that’s what calls for comments are for, right? Anyway, this was suggested by friend of the show Joe Darowski. Joe wants to talk about “Flash in the Pan” Pop culture. Think of…