On last week’s show, we investigated the comedic world of horror movies. This week, we wanted to go a different way… the reality of horror. Yes, of course there are horror movies that feature monsters and demons and other supernatural horrors. But what do we make of films like Deliverance, Jaws, Psycho and Cujo? What…
Tag: Midsommer
e133. Comedy of Horrors!
Halloween Season is upon us! As scary as 2020 has been in general, we are finally at the part of the year where we are supposed to be scared… or at least watch a lot of scary movies. But 2020 has been scary enough… and so this year we want to focus on the funny…
Call For Comments: What is the Meaning of Horror?
From Wayne: Recently on Voxpopcast we discussed the intersection of horror and humor. It’s still Halloween season, so we’re going to keep talking about horror. And, we’re Voxpopcast, so we’re going to keep talking about genre. When is a horror story not really a horror story, but it is really? One of our regular listeners…