Call For Comments: Head Canon Shipping

From Mav: Since Valentines Day is coming up we wanted to try a little game for one episode. We want to have an episode where we talk about the idea of “shipping” in popular media. But we don’t want to just talk about why we do it. I think that’s pretty obvious. We already talked…

e41. Snatching Banders?

You turn on the internet and you see that everyone on social media is talking about a new Netflix Original film. You know what’s coming next. Sometimes a piece of pop culture comes around that’s so big, it feels like the whole world is talking about it. When that happens, it’s a sure bet that…

Call For Comments: I Hate Continuity (and so do you)

From Mav: We haven’t really done an episode that focused on comics in while. This one doesn’t entirely FOCUS on comics, but that’s where we started. It’s also academic… or at least, it’s a part of my dissertation, so let’s just say it is. And maybe it’s a little controversial… at least to comic book…

Call For Comments: Getting Bandersnatched…

From Mav: In the last couple of weeks I’ve seen a lot of people on the Internet raving about the Netflix show Black Mirror: Bandersnatch. I’ve also seen them raving about Bird Box but it was the former that got my attention because it is being billed as an innovative new thing – “Choose Your Own Adventure”…

e39. Media Addiction

Once any TV show is on the air for long enough, a curious thing happens. It amasses enough devoted fans that watch it every week that they begin to turn on it. They constantly rave about how they now hate the show… it’s not like it used to be… but they’re still watching it anyway.…

Call For Comments: Inertia and Media Addiction

From Mav: There’s something I’ve noticed about fans of the TV show The Walking Dead. They hate it. Seriously… most people I know who watch the show pretty much acknowledge that they’re not really enjoying it anymore, they’re just watching it because… they do. They have been watching it and they continue to. I’m not a fan…

e34. FarmSims: Digital Transcendentalism

When we recorded the following podcast, or rather the bulk of it, we were avoiding work, sitting in front of a computer, several feet any roommate, in homes we rented, in North Carolina, avoiding work by talking about farms earned by the labor of our hands only… on a computer keyboard. FarmSims are amongst the…

e32. Reboots, Remakes, Revivals

Albert Einstein once said, “the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” Well, honestly he probably never said that… or at least didn’t say it first, but the internet says over and over that he said it, so it must be true. Anyway, if this is something…

Call for Comments: The Rhetoric of Digital Farming, Anti-Capitalism, and Talking Jellybeans

From Katya: Eric Barone and Chucklefish recently released the popular farm simulator, Stardew Valley, to iOS. The game draws heavily on Harvest Moon, allowing players to grow crops, care for animals, fish, befriend and even marry townsfolk. Having missed the farm sim. craze train (multiple times, in fact), and coming down with a nasty flu…

Call For Comments: The Death of the Author and the Birth of the Critic

From Mav: In the last couple weeks, we’ve done a couple shows that have dealt with interpreting the non obvious sexual subtext in children’s media (Disney Princesses and Sesame Street Muppets). Obviously, we don’t think that those things are front and center. That’s why we said subtext. But that leads us to an obvious question:…