A couple of weeks ago we looked over the film Under the Cherry Moon to prove that it was a good movie. Mav got Monica to watch the film and agree that there’s far more to it than its reputation. Now it’s Monica’s turn to suggest a movie for the same treatment and in the…
Category: Movies and Film
Call For Comments: Then Something Went Wrong
From Wayne: My first exposure to The Rocky Horror Picture Show was back around 1980 or so. I was in college and working as a volunteer teaching assistant for the secondary gifted program in my incredibly rural home county. One of the students had a copy of the Official Rocky Horror Picture Show Movie Novel…
e233. Is Under the Cherry Moon a bad movie?
Have you ever had a favorite movie, that you’ve loved since childhood and then all of a sudden as an adult you discover that other people don’t like that movie? In fact, it seems MOST people don’t like that movie. And then you question yourself. Is the movie any good? Have you been deluding yourself…
e231. So, You Should Be Watching A League of Their Own
Way too often, when we talk about “pop culture” in 2022, we focus on superheroes, space cowboys with laser swords, and maybe a couple fantasy epics. And in fact, if you were to look at the top of the streaming charts this month, those are sort of the biggest things on the pop culture horizon…
CFC: Will the Real Ariana Grande please stand up?
One of these people is Ariana Grande. The other is cosplayer Paige Niemann. Which is which? From Mav: The nice thing about having your own pop culture podcast is that sometimes something happens and you’re like “what the actual fuck” and you just want to be given the opportunity to work things out? Well, I…
CFC: Wait, people really think Under the Cherry Moon is a bad movie?
From Mav: This is a different kind of call for comments than we usually do, but it may become a semi-regular feature. I was listening to old episodes of the podcast How Did This Get Made? a couple weeks ago and I came across their episode on the 1986 Prince film Under the Cherry Moon.…
Call for Comments: A League of Their Own
From Hannah: I love baseball. And, perhaps unsurprisingly, A League of Their Own (the 1992 film) means a lot to me — and I’m not alone in this. But as much as I think the 1992 film is one of those “great films,” Amazon Prime’s new television version may be just as important. The new…
e228. Investigating the Style Cycle
We’ve all heard complaints that the current pop-culture fad du jour is getting repetitive. For instance, right now, it’s superhero movies. People are constantly complaining about “the MCU formula” where “all the movies look the same, they all have the same plot, and they all make all the same jokes.” Whenever some other company makes…
Call For Comments: Styles and Cycles (or, a funny thing happened on the way to Ragnarok)
From Wayne: So the biggest complaint I’ve heard about Thor: Love and Thunder is that is too silly. It’s a Taika Watiti movie, so I’m not really surprised by this, but the complaint seems to center around the idea that this change in the basic character of Thor from the comics is a bridge too…
Call for Comments: Dissertations, what the hell are they?
From Katya: You know us as the pseudo-academic podcast with drinking and swearing. We also lied about that (very openly, in all fairness.) All of us have Ivory Tower experiences through teaching, conferences, independent scholarship, and the occasional long-winded degree. I left academic research a few years ago and the transition from being surrounding by…