e357. The Museum Dilemma: Ownership, Ethics, and Colonialism

You know that part of the Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade where young Indy insists over and over again that a relic belongs in a museum? Or the part where old Indy insists that an artifact belongs in a museum? Or the way people, including museums, have basically claimed this over and over in…

e262. Hey! So, How Do Museums Work?

We have probably mentioned on previous episodes that Monica worked at a museum. We’ve also mentioned once or twice that Wayne was on the board of a museum. And really, one would assume that anyone who listens to this show has probably been to a museum or two at some point in their lives. Probably…

e244. An A.I. Took Your Art, Daddy!

If you listen to our show, chances are you’re on the Internet. If you’re on the Internet, then chances are in the last couple weeks you’ve seen a proliferation of people posting A.I. generated selfies in crazy art styles. Then, you’ve perhaps also seen the explosion of controversy over people arguing about whether or not…

e182. I Fixed That for You, Now GTFO!

If the internet is good at anything, it’s dumping on asked for criticism at other people. Everyone does it. In fact, in a very real way, that’s pretty much what this whole show is. We’re cultural critics. This is cultural criticism. But is there a point when that criticism can go too far? Are there…

Call for Comments: IFTFY??? I think you mean GTFO!!!

From Mav: I saw an article a few weeks ago that has been kicking around in my head ever since. The idea of “IFTFY” or “I fixed that for you”. I think might be bullshit! Maybe… The more I think about it, the more I realize I need to talk some of the concept through…

e113. Cartoons vs. Avatars

A couple of weeks ago, in order to placate the masses during a worldwide quanrantine, Facebook released their new “Avatar” system — a tool to allow users to create little cartoon characters of themselves for use in profile pics and stickers. Other technology companies have similar system. Apple has one built into its messaging system…

Call For Comments: Avatars and the Virtual You

From Mav: In the last few days an interesting meme of sorts has popped up on Facebook: people posting their “Facebook Avatars,” stylized cartoonish self-made images generated with Facebook’s mobile app. They’re cute enough, but rather innocuous and I didn’t think much of it. I did play around with it for 5 min and made…