Call for Comments: Scores, Soundtracks and Needledrops

From Mav: I was thinking about a conversation with my wife from a couple years back where she out of nowhere exclaimed to me that her favorite song from the movie Grease was in fact the song “Grease.” I was incredulous because … well, because no one’s favorite song from Grease is “Grease.” Well, except…

Episode 17: Music, the Soundtrack of our Lives

Wayne loves music. Do you love music? Yeah, we get it, everyone loves music. But Wayne really loves music! Why is that? Why do we connect so strongly with music, especially the popular music of our teens? Why do bands make covers songs? Why is your generation’s music better than the sucky stuff your parents…

Call For Comments: Music of your Youth

From Wayne: Other than family there have been two constants in my life since I was a wee lad: Comics and Music. Both are still a daily part of my life.  I was drawn to the radio from a very early age. I was a child in the 60s and a teen in the 70s. The…