Nancy Drew may be one of the most enduring figures in American Popular culture. First premiering in 1930, she predates Superman, Donald Duck, the Lone Ranger, two US states, FM radio, and the ball point pen. And yet — outside of her devoted fanbase — does not seem to garner the same respect of many…
Tag: sex
e190. Pour Some Sexy On It!
Ever since the advent of movies enterprising humans have asked that age-old important question “how can we use this for sex?” That’s not hyperbole; the modern motion picture dates back to 1893, and erotic films like Le coucher de la mariée (aka The Bride’s Bedtime) were being produced in wide release as early as 1896.…
CFC: So, Is “Sexy” Just A Television Genre Now?
From Mav: Regular listeners know that I adore the Riverdale (some people are saying it’s the best show on television!). You might have also heard me mention that I love Nancy Drew or The 100 or all of the Arrowverse shows. Basically, I love the CW TV formula. Everyone is pretty… everyone has abs… everyone…
e151. Yet More Bridgerton! and other good things
A few weeks ago when we did our Bridgerton recap show we found ourselves with way more to talk about than we could possibly fit in a single episode. That happens a lot, really. And as we often do, we said back then that we’d have to do another episode and discuss more Bridgerton. Well,…
e149. Let’s Talk About SuperSex
Happy Valentine’s Day! If you had a podcast devoted to pop culture with a penchant for discussing comics with some bit of regularity and a holiday came up that was devoted to beauty of love and dating and you wanted to do something nice and sweet to commemorate the holiday, what would you do? Obviously…
e148. Sex, Love, & Bridgerton
Surprisingly, Netflix’s latest original programming sensation is Bridgerton, a regency period romance chronicling the sexual exploits, politics and scandals of 19th century London. Or perhaps this isn’t surprising at all. After all, romance has been a primary genre of fiction since… before the time period depicted in the show. Of course, people have often derided…
e117. Post-Release Censorship and the Disney Vault
There was a weird story that broke a few weeks ago when people discovered that episodes of the 2012 teen sitcom Wizards of Waverly Place had “censored” the cleavage of the mother on one episode by placing a blur over the actress’s chest on the Disney+ streaming service. After some investigation, it turned out that…
Call for Comments: Fictional and Celebrity Crushes
From Mav: Last year we did a special Valentine’s Day show about romantic shipping in our favorite fictional universes. It was so great celebrating Valentine’s Day by explaining to everyone in final decisive detail exactly how I am 100% positive that Hermoine and Harry totally absolutely and without a doubt totally “did it” behind the…
e44. Young Monsters In Love
Happy Valentines Day! We thought we’d celebrate by exploring the most romantic of all pop culture genres… no… not RomComs… Monsters of course! Today, Wayne, Hannah and Mav are joined by a returning Michael Chemers and Heather Duda, our resident monster experts to talk about the romance, love and sexuality that is implicit in the…
e43. Sexy Ships & Head Canon
Remember that one time in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows where Hermione and Harry had sexy? No? How about that one time in Star Wars where Luke and Leia had sex? You don’t? Really? Well, surely you remember that time in the Captain America: The Winter Soldier where Sam and Steve had sex? Maybe?…