e102. News by Meme

Newspapers are a dying breed in the twenty-first century. This isn’t a new thing; it’s been happening for a while. But at this point, more than just newspapers are dying. Even news programming is dying. Sure, cable news networks are huge. And sure… they’re on the internet as well. But, the problem is that on…

Call for Comments: Birds of Prey and Women in Film

From Hannah: Birds of Prey premiered a little over a month ago to less fanfare than it deserved. I, admittedly, was hesitant to see it because of both how bad Suicide Squad was and questions about how the film would handle the character of Harley Quinn. I went in with zero expectations and had an…

e99. Pseudo-Academic Content: Listener Discretion is Advised

We live in a content driven world: Movies, Books, Music, TV, Comics, Video Games, and even Podcasts. “Content is king!” or so they say. But of course, different types of content are appropriate for different audiences. Anyone who has watched a movie in the last several decades knows that they have ratings, that is, a…

e95. The Good Place and Philosophy

Welcome! Everything is fine. Well, almost everything is fine. Except The Good Place is no more. This week was the season finale of one of the most unique shows ever — a broadcast sitcom based on deconstructing moral philosophy in the afterlife. If you’ve listened to our show before you know that we’re big fans…

e94. Why Do Award Shows Suck?

After being disappointed by last year’s Oscars, Hannah swore that we would never do another show about them. But then she started thinking about it and wanted to take a different approach. It seems like every year during Oscar season, from the announcements all the way through the picks, more people are upset than happy.…

Call For Comments: The Good Place (the best show on television) is Ending

From Hannah: It’s almost the end of January, which means we will soon say goodbye to the best show currently airing on television The Good Place (Editior’s Note: It’s no Riverdale. -Mav). We’ve mentioned the show over the course of the podcast, so it’s only fitting we give it the full-length episode it deserves (this…

e92: 2010s Decade in Review

Somehow it’s 2020. I don’t get how that happened. 2020 isn’t a year… 2020 is what you make up if you’re setting some science fiction story in the future and you’re too lazy to pick an interesting sound year like 2027 or something. But somehow it actually is 2020, which means the start of a…

e91. 2020 Box Office Draft

Happy New Year! And with a new year, we have a whole new year of movies to look forward to. And for our show, that means the return of the Box Office Game (shamelessly stolen form the Protagonist Podcast… credit where credit is due). On today’s show, Hannah, Katya, Wayne and Mav invite back Stephanie…

e90. 30 Good Things You Missed!!! 2019 Year in Review

Happy New Year! It’s the end of 2019, and that means it’s time for all good podcasts to do a year in review episode. The thing about a show focused on pop culture like ours is that we have already devoted episodes to all of the biggest pop culture events of the year. We know…

e89. Star Wars: Epic Retrospective

If you’ve been anywhere on the Internet in the last few days… honestly, if you live anywhere on the planet Earth, then you probably know that after forty-two years in the making, Star Wars is finally complete. Certainly if you’re the kind of person who listens to our show you know that. Of course, you…