Call For Comments: The Greatest of the Greatest of Music

From Mav: So last week, Apple Music released their list of the Best 100 albums of all time. As these things do it sparked a fair bit of media attention from music reporter types either praising it or complaining about it, and then… basically everyone moved on and forgot about it. To be fair, these…

e320. Adrenaline and Affection: Exploring the Action Romance Genre

What do you do if you’re in couple that was designed on an 80s sitcom so you have extremely traditional gender roles of a feminine partner who loves lovey dovey chick flicks and a masculine partner violent ‘splosiony dude movies. You go to an action romance of course! So it turns out that we don’t…

e319. X-men ’97 Revisited: Superheroes, Sacrifices, & Saturday Mornings

There’s an argument that the current wave of superhero dominated content that pervades popular media doesn’t begin with the MCU but with X-men the Animated Series, a cartoon that ran from 1992-1997 and is a formative touchstone for many millennial viewers who have come of age today. This argument may be somewhat backed up by…

e318. A.I. in Academia: Balancing Technology and Traditional Learning

(Note from Mav. This is an episode about A.I. and Academic writing… so I decided to just let Descript’s A.I. take a stab at writing the show notes all by itself. Parentheticals are by me. So here’s how it did!) This episode of VoxPopcast explores the multifaceted impact of artificial intelligence, especially ChatGPT, on academia…

e317: From Field to Frame: Life Lessons from Sports Movies

Sometimes when the world is on fire, you just want to watch a dumb feel good sports movie. Right now the world is on fire, so we thought maybe we’d talk about dumb feel good sports movies. BUT, are they really as dumb as we make them out to be? On this week’s episode Mav…

Call For Comments: AI and Academics or GPT and Grading

From Mav: So, this has come up from a couple people. Long-listeners know that we’ve done several shows on AI before. We’ve talked about its use art and its use in comedy and we’ve touched on its use in things like Hollywood script writing. As the Spring college semester is finishing up, I’ve seen any…