(Note from Mav. This is an episode about A.I. and Academic writing… so I decided to just let Descript’s A.I. take a stab at writing the show notes all by itself. Parentheticals are by me. So here’s how it did!) This episode of VoxPopcast explores the multifaceted impact of artificial intelligence, especially ChatGPT, on academia…
Author: Katya Gorecki
e314. Fashion, Furniture, and Furballs — Six Years of VoxPopcast
On this week’s show, all five co-hosts are online to celebrate six years of producing a weekly pseudo academic roundtable of pop culture analysis with drinking and swearing. It isn’t too often that we can get the entire gang together these days, so this week we thought we’d do so with no strict agenda other…
e300. The 2024 Box Office Draft
Somehow we’ve been making this show for 300 episodes! We can’t believe it either! And what better way to celebrate that than doing one of our very favorite regular episodes? It’s time for our annual Box Office Draft! But first we have to deal with the results of last year’s box office game. So, on…
e296. The Great Christmas Tree Debate
Do you have a Christmas Tree? If you do then chances are, even without thinking about it, you have taken a side in the great Christmas tree debate. You have implicitly taken a stance. You have chosen a side in an age old war that determines exactly what kind of person you are… whether you…
e287. We Made This! Why We Love DIY!
Do you like to knit? Paint? Build stuff? Sew? Bake? Garden? Work on your own car? Maybe you don’t do any of those things, but chances are you have some kind of craft type thing that you enjoy which frankly, you could probably pay someone to do, but really you just enjoy doing it yourself.…
e250. We Always Figured We Would Do a Show on Quiet Quitting (Eventually)
Do you remember “quiet quitting”? We can’t really blame you if you don’t. But the news media was all in an uproar about it… wow… like five months ago! They were talking about it like it was the fall of civilization. It was the worst thing in the world. It was… well, it apparently amounted…
e248. 2023 Box Office Draft
It’s that time again! if you’ve been listening for a while you know that every year the hosts of Voxpopcast play a fantasy box office game! The BEST fantasy game. Each host will draft 15 movies in a 15 round snake draft and compete to see who can have the highest combination of box office…
e247. 36-ish Things You Missed in 2022
Another year is in the books. 2022 has come and gone. Welcome to 2023. But, there’s one last piece of business to finish from yesteryear. Welcome to the annual VoxPopcast Year in Review show. If you’re new to our year in review, we don’t really do a best of show… we did 52 episodes last…
e244. An A.I. Took Your Art, Daddy!
If you listen to our show, chances are you’re on the Internet. If you’re on the Internet, then chances are in the last couple weeks you’ve seen a proliferation of people posting A.I. generated selfies in crazy art styles. Then, you’ve perhaps also seen the explosion of controversy over people arguing about whether or not…