e263. We Gotta Talk About MILF Manor! We Just Do…

Every once in a while a TV Show comes along that is just so bizarre that we feel like it deserves a deep dive examination just in and of itself. That was the case with MILF Manor! If you’ve not heard of MILF Manor, it is a reality dating show on TLC, The Learning Channel,…

Call For Comments: So have you seen MILF Manor?

From Mav: Every once in a while the universe just smiles upon me and grants down upon me a gift of content that is just… just for me. Like… regular readers know that unironically like Riverdale, Cop Rock, Manimal, The Circle and Showgirls. So if you know that about me… and you are somehow aware…

e261. PCA2023 After Dark!

After two years being held virtually, and a cancelled conference in 2020, the Popular Culture Association returned to in person conferences for PCA2023. There were some good notes (Mav won a major award for his doctoral dissertation) and some bad notes (Mav ended up catching COVID during the trip) but along the way there was…

e260. Why Do We ♥ Stories Where Old People Still ƒµ¢&?

The thing with Hollywood is that it’s a young people’s game. Or at least that’s what we say. And it’s true, the majority of big budget starring roles are for actors in their 20s and 30s. And the more you age out of that demographic, certainly the less marketably you seem to be. Sadly, this…

e252. Velma and Pouring Some Edgy on It!

Everyone is talking about Velma. It’s not exactly clear why. Most people don’t seem to like it that much. But if you don’t pay attention to what anyone is saying, and you just judge sheerly based on attention that they By sheer numbers of think pieces you might think that Velma is the most popular…

e246. a Very Star Wars Andor Holiday Special

And now for something a little different to close out this Christmas season. A couple of weeks ago on Twitter, we had a request from listener Jim Roberts to discuss Andor, the latest Star Wars series on Disney+. Only at the time, we were kind of packed with some other shows that we had been…

e242. A Specifically Very Positive Thanksgiving Ep

If you’ve been watching the news lately you might have noticed that things have been… kind of gloomy. Trump is running for president again. Twitter is imploding. The pandemic is still here. BUT… it’s Thanksgiving! At least it is here in America. Thanksgiving’s origins tell of friendship and togetherness between natives and colonizers. OK, it’s…

e240. Reality Twitter? (and Politics)

Running a pop culture podcast isn’t easy. One of the biggest problems is that popular culture is a moving target. There’s just… always stuff happening! We can’t really get to it all. Every once in a while rather than pick a stable topic, we like to get together and just do a sort of free…

e239. Why Doctor Who?

This is another one of those shows where we wonder how have we done this many episodes of a pop culture podcast without devoting one to this fandom. Doctor Who has been a staple of science fiction for almost 60 years! The franchise has crossed over from television into comics, novels, radios plays, pin ball…

Call For Comments: Doctor Who – It’s Bigger on the Inside!

“Time and space are modes by which we think and not conditions in which we live.”– Dimitri Marianoff,  Einstein: An Intimate Study of a Great Man From Wayne: I came to Doctor Who fandom fairly late, which, considering my hobbies and interests, is strange. Even so, I feel like I have always been aware of…