e239. Why Doctor Who?

This is another one of those shows where we wonder how have we done this many episodes of a pop culture podcast without devoting one to this fandom. Doctor Who has been a staple of science fiction for almost 60 years! The franchise has crossed over from television into comics, novels, radios plays, pin ball…

e238. Dragons and Rings and Other Fantasy TV

There’s been a lot of Fantasy TV on the air lately. House of the Dragon and Rings of Power have both been airing as prequels to their respective fantasy genres (Game of Thrones and Lord of the Rings) and have given fans of Fantasy TV no shortage of things to watch for the last couple…

Call For Comments: Doctor Who – It’s Bigger on the Inside!

“Time and space are modes by which we think and not conditions in which we live.”– Dimitri Marianoff,  Einstein: An Intimate Study of a Great Man From Wayne: I came to Doctor Who fandom fairly late, which, considering my hobbies and interests, is strange. Even so, I feel like I have always been aware of…

e236. Is The Rocky Horror Picture Show a Bad Movie?

If you’ve been following the show the last several weeks then you know we’ve started a series where we have been looking at some of our favorite controversial movies and trying to convince you of the value of them as great films. It’s also October, so we wanted to get some Halloween content in for…

Call For Comments: Then Something Went Wrong

From Wayne: My first exposure to The Rocky Horror Picture Show was back around 1980 or so. I was in college and working as a volunteer teaching assistant for the secondary gifted program in my incredibly rural home county. One of the students had a copy of the Official Rocky Horror Picture Show Movie Novel…

Call For Comments: The Lord of the Game of the Throne and the Ring and Things.

From Wayne: Wow, there’s a lot of fantasy on TV these days! Given my addiction to comics I wasn’t completely oblivious to fantasy as a genre. I’m sure I read something with knights and dragons in it when I was a kid. I started playing Dungeons and Dragons around tenth grade, but was oblivious to…

e231. So, You Should Be Watching A League of Their Own

Way too often, when we talk about “pop culture” in 2022, we focus on superheroes, space cowboys with laser swords, and maybe a couple fantasy epics. And in fact, if you were to look at the top of the streaming charts this month, those are sort of the biggest things on the pop culture horizon…

e228. Investigating the Style Cycle

We’ve all heard complaints that the current pop-culture fad du jour is getting repetitive. For instance, right now, it’s superhero movies. People are constantly complaining about “the MCU formula” where “all the movies look the same, they all have the same plot, and they all make all the same jokes.” Whenever some other company makes…

e227. the Endless Culture of the Sandman

After “endless” years in development, the impossible has happened. The Sandman TV show is now streaming on Netflix. Of course we watched it! Remarkably, it appears to be a hit. The show is getting critical buzz as well as doing well with the fans. In fact, its arguably the most popular that the property has…

e226. So… uh… what is a Dissertation? (and why would you do one?)

When we started our little psuedo-academic pop-culture analysis podcast with drinking and swearing, we had a few requirements. One of those was that the show would be smart and would celebrate academia but wouldn’t be overly hung up on it. We specifically didn’t want to be an academic show. And we didn’t want to be…