e262. Hey! So, How Do Museums Work?

We have probably mentioned on previous episodes that Monica worked at a museum. We’ve also mentioned once or twice that Wayne was on the board of a museum. And really, one would assume that anyone who listens to this show has probably been to a museum or two at some point in their lives. Probably…

e260. Why Do We ♥ Stories Where Old People Still ƒµ¢&?

The thing with Hollywood is that it’s a young people’s game. Or at least that’s what we say. And it’s true, the majority of big budget starring roles are for actors in their 20s and 30s. And the more you age out of that demographic, certainly the less marketably you seem to be. Sadly, this…

e259. The Enduring Cultural Legacy of Cocaine Bear!

The day is finally here. We’ve been waiting for months and months and months, but we have now see Cocaine Bear. And if you check the box office returns, a lot of people saw Cocaine Bear! And now we want to talk about it. Did we enjoy it? Yes, of course we did, but actually,…

e255. The Mystery of the Disappearing Media!

If you’re the kind of person that listens to our show, there’s a good chance that you’ve heard about the whole fiasco where Warner Brothers-Discovery cancelled and vaulted an essentially completed Batgirl movie so that it would never see the light of day. You’re probably also aware that in their cost-cutting measures they’ve yanked a…

e254. A Primer On the Ages of Comics

If you’re a long time comic book fan, you’ve probably used the terms “Golden Age”, “Silver Age”, “Bronze Age” and “Modern Age” to talk about different periods in comic publishing history. You probably don’t really think about what they mean most of the time, but you do have a vague distinction in your mind. For…

e248. 2023 Box Office Draft

It’s that time again! if you’ve been listening for a while you know that every year the hosts of Voxpopcast play a fantasy box office game! The BEST fantasy game. Each host will draft 15 movies in a 15 round snake draft and compete to see who can have the highest combination of box office…

e247. 36-ish Things You Missed in 2022

Another year is in the books. 2022 has come and gone. Welcome to 2023. But, there’s one last piece of business to finish from yesteryear. Welcome to the annual VoxPopcast Year in Review show. If you’re new to our year in review, we don’t really do a best of show… we did 52 episodes last…

e246. a Very Star Wars Andor Holiday Special

And now for something a little different to close out this Christmas season. A couple of weeks ago on Twitter, we had a request from listener Jim Roberts to discuss Andor, the latest Star Wars series on Disney+. Only at the time, we were kind of packed with some other shows that we had been…

e243. What’s in a Name? (or Several)

Sometimes we come up with an episode idea that we just completely mean to be filler. We have no real agenda and not as much research as normal, but we need to fill a week before a much more complicated show and so we just decide “lets have a discussion topic and see how it…

e241. Wakanda Forever & MCU Diversity

Wakanda Forever, the sequel to Black Panther, is finally here. Obviously we have to talk about it. Due to the unfortunate passing of Chadwick Boseman, this movie sort of had built in cultural appeal from the very start. We knew that going in. However, it also somehow managed to be a lot more than that.…